Account Based Marketing - Awareness Tactics
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ABM - Awareness Tactics
In the awareness tactics, the agents using something like a swam the concept comes from using many different agents in both a direct and a non direct way to create an awareness of your company, customer problem, solution within a community
The awareness tactics evaluate all targets within a company, as well as there associations (influence/FoaF) networks to identify how a person can be influenced
The tactics selected work through Autonomous RPA, APIs and Human Tactics which all have a purpose, impact and a feedback measure to identify which tactic is having the impacts.
The swam have have multiple tactics on multiple people occurring all at a single point in time, which can be as basic as commenting on a post, networking in common networks, quoting or identifing news within a company, and many more
The Agent Swam are driven with primary objectives in which it is mean to achive, and then broken down into sub objectives to achive the goals.
For example, if your goal is to get to a decision maker, you might need to get 3 references and a referral.
This is then broken down into different agents with different objectives. Each target will have specific likes or dislikes so the tactics need to change. Example/ Some people are heavy in networking or online events, while others prefer white papers.
Changing the tactics per person, handling multiple people simultaneously will increase the probability of success