2x Leads – 3 months

Guaranteed Results !

Double your web leads In 3 months in one Niche

Featured Clients

See some of the clients we have helped!

Case Study – Fintech

Before: $100 K yr

After: A $5 million turn over in 2 years

Timeline: 2 years

Story: The company was selling funding products, making around $100 K a year. They were reaching out to customers with a general script, after drilling into their niche, we found that their strongest niche was B2B online selling. Moving the sales to use case based and success stories. They reworded their product to meet the niche and scaled the sales
Quote: Before we were selling with the wrong message and no promise. now we sell at 50x in 2 years.

Before: From 0

After:3 bookings a week / $5,000 a month

Timeline: 3 months

Case Study – HRmonise

Story: HRmonise – A Human Capital Management company, we have been focusing a lot on selling the whole solution.  After working with monyta, we now sell the system as high speed recruiting, as a way for people to evaluate out system. 

Quote:  Before, the customers did not understand the products value, now we get them in the door to show them the value

Anna Underhill

Case Study – Lion Financing

Story: Lion Financing, was selling without a niche focus. Or a sales story. With them we looked at the strongest customer base. We found there spanish customers would renew and be much higher value. Drilling into that, we build case studies to make sure they close 

Quote:  We went from selling, to consulting customers. Our renewal rates went from 10% to 80%. Our Close rate was crap before. 

Before: $30,000 Funded a month

After:$100,000 Funded a month, 3X

Timeline: 3 months

Identify Niches – 80% Lost Leads

We will go through a process to both group your niche, pick the strongest niche.

Many companies waste: 80% of time, not niching

Current Activate: Trying to make the web site work for everyone and being general

New Activity: Create targeting landing page for a specific niche, a custom user experience 

Deliver a Promise – 10x

Ensuring you have a customer promise which massively resonates with your niche

Current Activate: Focusing the website on soft returns, features instead of true benefits

New Activity: High Focus on Promise which are meaningful and translatable to the customer 

Evidence that Work – High Impact

Creating evidence that work, the niche needs to experience meaning full and tangible results.

Current Activate: Getting testimonials, and soft sell case studies 

New Activity: Measuring your case studies, creating relatable ROI

Focus on your buyers – Double Close Rate

Many websites are focusing on the end user, rather than the buyer of the product, we need to focus on the decision maker

Current Activate: Focusing your landing pages on features and end users 

New Activity: Focusing your landing page on the decision maker, and relevant benefits


Niche Focus

We will evaluate work with you to look at your niche group them, and select the one to focus on . Measure the current state of the niche


Create Customer Promise

Work out what claims and guarantees you can offer your customers.  To get them so excited they want to buy today. Something that the niche can relate to


Buyer Benefit

Focusing on creating the benefit for the customers in a way that is meaningful for them that they want your product


Drive Traffic 

Using your existing channels, customers, and prospecting to drive traffic to your new landing page to double your results.

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