
Watch how some of our existing clients are using our Sales Bots.
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WEB – Sales Bot – On Boarding

Sed aliquam vulputate magna, in tempor lorem ornare id. Fusce mollis, Realfund uses the sales bot as part of their web experience. The onboarding starts through why you need wealth and ends in a sign up form to get the user started. There are two versions, one using text to speech and the other with prerecords.


WEB – Sales Bot – Complex Sale

Sed aliquam vulputate magna, in tempor lorem ornare id. Fusce mollis, Realfund uses the sales bot as part of their web experience. The oThe Web Bot offers two major solutions to find the right fit. First, it takes the user through a journey, asking them about their business, their problems and using this information to work out what offer they should give to the customer

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We’d be happy to show you how our bots can improve your website experience for your users