Demos and Case Studies

Overview - Demos and Case Studies

Check out our case studies and examples, for variety of industries and companies using our product.

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VOIP - Selling Lending Products

VOIP - Lending

The follow is set up for a client that is selling lending products. They where operating a large call center from India, with the sales bots he has scale down his team including managers, hr, office space and many more overheads.

He is running a lean team with just a few top sales personal and spends more time developing in business development.

The system places over 100 calls simultaneously.

WEB - Sales - On Boarding

WEB - Investment
Live Demo - Realfund

Realfund uses the sales bot as part of their web process. the onboarding takes you through why you need wealth, their process and finally a sign up form to get the user started.

The sale bot interacts with the site, brining up diagrams, and other assets

Their are two versions, one using text to speech and the other with prerecords.

WEB - Complex Sale

WEB - B2B Solutions

Live Demo

The web site offers two major solutions to customers, to find the right fit it takes the user through a journey of first asking them about their business, their problems and using this information to work out what offer they should give to the customer