Account Based Marketing - Messaging
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Simulating Single Targets - Agents
Getting the right message and how to write to people take information's from third party, first party interactions and an understanding of the success
In ABM the messaging weather it is sales content, informational or casual can mean the differents between success and failure.
Here, our agents train models which represents targets, through emails, calls, social media chats, and other communication we are able to create the dialogue and content to predict how people will response to content
When a person is not known, using similar personality traits and previous conversations we are able to create dialouge agents to meet the person.
The the use of RL the agents can simulate 100s of potential conversations with a potential target before having it, work out likly questios, fustrations or likes prior to any conversations being made.
Through the use of this tactics, we are able to communicate our message in the most effectivy manner, and learn from their response to create a continual learning experience